A whole new world is currently being built on a whole new foundation, with new energies, new knowledge, far beyond all the written belief systems we have lived by and to which, we are still trying to adapt. Most of the old ways are not adaptable, which means that they are not at all helpful for birthing the change. Landmarks have disappeared and no one knows for sure where we are heading.
The laws, rules and frameworks that used to be in place, were essential for the blindly following crowds, but now there is an opportunity for the masses as well to rise their level of consciousness. With or without us, a paradigm shift, a dimension shift, a coming of a totally new age is taking place.
In recent decades, most people have had to face a big “entry karma” that helped them to understand, to see, to wake up. Until this awakening occurred, the extent of this burden may have been beyond unbearable, leading to illness, mental breakdown, significant deterioration in quality of life, rapid death. Everyone could choose the New with their own free will. Those who did not, were left to wait in a waiting loop, within the old system, which became sort of a parallel world to the new world, for the rest of their lives, with little chance of progress. Within this old system, there is however still the possibility to reach self-realization in the traditional way as it is known e.g. from Siddhartha Gautama Buddha.
The split into the two kind of realities, based on our previous decision, has completely defined our environment and who we surround ourselves with. This also applies to close family relationships: We can become completely disconnected from our own blood family and even our life partner, which has been a tough call for many. We may change jobs, the place where we live, and even the country we live in.
The way I see it, the choice of the easy or the hard path that will have been made by everyone happened by October 2023.
Teachers and Guides who have not been living in a physical body, who have been on the astral plane, have tried to contact us to warn us, we have been making the choice now about which reality we want to belong to in the future. It took us long, long years to hear the warning. In recent years our values have been tested. Those who have not seen beyond the limits of body and matter have failed. But those who have blindly believed in an intellectual, spiritual path without their own personal experience also belong here.
Regardless of which world we have chosen, in the future, the only energies that will come into contact with us, will be those that we have ourselves attuned to. Every thought is tuned to a certain quality, a resonance. Our inner frequency channel opens up and attracts the like. From there it is simple: we choose the frequency and quality of life we want to live in, with our thoughts.
By observing my thoughts, I can see that I had been my own obstacle: I have always created my own limitations to the flow of infinite love and knowledge with my low frequency thoughts, limiting belief system, and conditioning.
Usually people are better at complaining and saying what they don’t want, rather than finally saying what they do want. Complaining has a very low vibration.
During my nearly two and a half year retreat in Patagonia, I made contact with Teaching Guides who were non-physical beings at very high levels of knowledge and love. I created a chart with hundreds of words so that they could communicate information by pointing to them through a pendulum. Their first teaching was that more than half of the words were crossed-out because they found them meaningless, as they thought we completely misunderstood them, misused them. The words included: marriage, love, spirituality, religion, soul, sexual energy, vows, forever, never….
I was told I had to forget everything I had been taught. I understood, and tried to erase the past, but I was careful to write down everything I heard from now on, so that I wouldn’t be left with nothing for even a minute, because then how would I account for my life, what I had done up to that point? After that I wrote the teachings for two years and “coded the signs” and then all of a sudden I got the message (again), to throw out everything I had put on paper, nothing could remain. At that very moment, I was at the point where two of my drained credit cards had landed in the trash. For hours, I stared at my book, clutching it as the only thing of value I could still show of myself, and then I destroyed that too.
I didn’t know how to go on, I only knew that I had nothing and knew nothing. Then the floodgates of abundance opened, but on a completely different level. It happened several times after that, that when I started to feel safe in a situation in life, or when I was sure that something was mine, it disappeared, leaving me to start again, but on a much higher level. I already know from experience that after letting go, circumstances always get much much better, but my mind is still re-living the big death, with panic, fear, and a sense of loss when the letting go happens.
I find that almost without exception, this kind of attachment and distrust of the new is a barrier to moving on. We hold on to things that are outdated, obsolete, even if it means suffering, illness, being stuck, unable to let go. If our fate or “life” takes it away from us, no matter how we hold on to it, it can be traumatic to the extent that we not only cannot let the new in, but we lock ourselves into a never-ending loop of self-pity, and self-destruction.
Experiencing real love and living at a certain level of consciousness has now become a prerequisite for survival. The love I am referring to is not an emotion that comes and goes, nor is it even tied to a person or a condition. Love is a flow, a wisdom that does not tolerate mind-created distinctions. Mind and love cannot go together.
It is astonishing to see how big the difference can be, for example within a family, in favour of the child, as to who is experiencing real love. But there is also a huge gap between couples, when one wakes up and the other doesn’t.
At the moment, it is best to connect to the Supreme Being, which is different for everyone, and eventually to our true Self. It is a quiet, loving, freeing path, free of rules, judgement and punishments. Here, we are managing our happiness on our own, in a direct, straightforward way, without helpers or mediators. Other people can only influence this intimate space by leading by example, by walking this path ahead of us.
All experience has shown that at a relatively high level of consciousness, as the felt desire in the heart, is very quickly realized when we live from the Heart space. It is by no means an emotional, sentimental state, but rather a quietened, expanded, tuning in beyond the mind.
In the Heart space, only desires that are absolutely in tune with our own individual fulfillment, our wholeness, can be born within us. So, by design, we do not want things that are not in alignment with our own life path, with what we were designed for before we were born. With this placement in the Heart, we get quick and spectacular help when, for example, a hurtful, destructive emotion arises. The bad feeling then disappears almost immediately, leaving behind a higher level of insight, understanding and feeling of deep calm. It’s very interesting to see that most of the time, we are our very own obstacles to letting go of the bad feeling and the bad life situation completely, because we like to hold on to pain, sadness, hopelessness, afraid to step into the unknown, the New.