Group Retreat

If you want to move into a new phase of your life, learn about the new energy, heal, and transform, then the retreat can act as a catalyst.

I only do group retreats when a group is self-organized by its members. You can come with your partner, friends, as the group forms organically around you. I only work with small groups from 2 – 6 people.

In the group, energies are combined, so we become one “Being” with different abilities. Where one person has an individual blockage or blind spot, others can help to see it and provide a supportive environment to face it.

During the retreat you can experience a broader spectrum of reality where you have the opportunity to tune into new energies and create a radically new world with a new perspective. The connection will give you a glimpse into this way of life and quality of life, your own fulfilled self, where you can elevate your own potential to the maximum: what you were created to do and what is essential for the paradigm shift that is about to occur. Once you get in touch with this knowledge, you have the opportunity to radically change your life.

You are being offered a ruthless view onto yourself, after which, most of the time, it is impossible to live in a web of lies, compromises and fears any longer. The retreat helps you to get in touch with your inner heart, the place where real change and healing happens, from where you can create an authentic, fulfilling life for yourself. From here, you can look at your life more easily, like watching a play from the auditorium, where you can recognize the hidden patterns, conditioning, wounds, conscious and subconscious programming that hold you back from being yourself, the person you were born to be, to experience wholeness and happiness. You can see the purpose and meaning of your life, why you are on this Earth.

Most importantly, you’ll be given all the tools and help you need to transform your life through the connections with your Higher Self. After the retreat, the decision will be in your hands whether to manifest what you envision as your quality of life, or to put it away as a mere experience and settle back into the old familiar. You can learn how to connect to your Higher Self without me, you will have the opportunity to practice a new way of doing things, just in case your mind keeps trying the old patterns again and again.


On the first day, we define the intention and setting, i.e. what your retreat will be based on, what theme it will be structured around. What are your goals that you want to achieve.

If the expectations are unrealistic because they don’t fit with your life path, your current level of consciousness, the quality of your time, etc, then we first discuss the potential and possibilities of your current situation. From then on, everything and anything that happens during the retreat will support that intention, will point you in that direction. While maintaining quality, your problems you brought along, and your baggage will be cleared, you will gain insights, so you can let go.

This retreat does not follow a strict agenda. If, for example, I see that someone needs a solo meditation walk to help the group and themselves through a blockage in the space, I will send them on a meditation walk while others do introspective exercises in the retreat space. This will do exactly what is best for everyone.  The retreat is also flexible because it follows your individual needs, allows your own intention to manifest, and your baggage is lightened while you are part of the collective “Being”.

We also connect with the outside world in a way that is integral to the inner work. We meditate in the outdoors (e.g. an oceanfront sunset). In addition: sightseeing, hiking, tasting local food specialties, kayaking, dolphin watching, etc – whatever helps the intention.

No two connections or retreats are the same.

You find more information about what else the retreat and a session in general can do for you in the “What is a Session” section.